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Showing posts from June, 2024

My Short-Talk on Contingency Leadership

 Contingency Leadership in 21st Century Leaders Key points: 1) Traditional approaches often fall short in addressing the complex challenges faced by modern organizations. 2) Contingency Leadership offering a more flexible & adaptable approach to leadership. 3) Contingency Leadership recognizes that there is no single 'best' way to lead. But rather leader must be able to diagnose the needs of their team and organization, and then to respond accordingly. 4) In the 21st century, the ability to adapt and respond to change has become absolutely critical for leaders. 5) Consider - rapid technology advancement, globalization, shifting workforce dynamic that have transformed the "business landscape". 6) In this context, leaders who rigidly adhere to single leadership style are likely to struggle! 7) Contingency Leadership framework for 21st century leaders: i) Flexible Leadership - Leader must be able to adjust their leadership style based  on the specific needs of the si

Transformational leadership - Definition, models, and dimensions, strengths and weaknesses, and examples of leaders.

Transformational leadership Definition The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by James V. Downton, the first to coin the term "transformational leadership", a concept further developed by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when "leaders and followers make each other advance to a higher level of morality and motivation." Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals. Burns also described transformational leaders as those who can move followers up on Maslow's hierarchy, but also move them to go beyond their own interests. Unlike in the transactional approach, it is not based on a "give and take" relationship, but on the leader's personality, traits and ability to make a change through ex

DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP - Reflection Week 13 (Overall Reflections)

 Reflection Week 13 (Overall Reflections) This is the last reflection report for this class, which is for Overall Reflection. In the first and second weeks , we explored the Introduction to Leadership. I learned about the importance of leadership, effective leader characteristics, and the five key elements of leadership. Overall, the third week of our leadership course provided a comprehensive and in-depth look at the importance of leadership traits and ethics. From understanding the key traits of effective leaders to exploring the Pygmalion effect and strategies for developing a positive self-concept, this week highlighted the fundamental principles that contribute to successful leadership. By delving into topics such as the big five model of personality, executive derailment reasons, and locus of control, we gained valuable insights into what it takes to be a strong and ethical leader. It was a thought-provoking and enriching week that deepened our understanding of the found

DYNAMICS OF LEADERSHIP - Reflection Week 12 (Transformational Leadership)

Reflection Week 12 (Transformational Leadership)  The twelfth class of Dynamics of Leadership was held on Tuesday, 11 th June 2024 . Today class starting with the Group 7 presentation title, ‘Transformational Leadership’ . Just like last week, Nurul Amirah has been appointed as SMT champion to conduct group presentation session. Group 7 presenter are Mohamed Rohaizat, Nie Jing, Nur Aliya, Nurul Amirah, Thoh and Xioana. All the group member has presented so well and informative. From the presentation, what I understand that transformational leadership is a leadership style that involves inspiring and motivating followers to achieve exceptional performance and organizational outcomes. This approach focuses on creating a positive and empowering work environment where leaders encourage individual growth, foster innovation, and promote organizational change. Transformational leaders are charismatic, visionary, and capable of motivating and inspiring their team members to exceed expectatio