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My Short-Talk on Contingency Leadership

 Contingency Leadership in 21st Century Leaders

Key points:

1) Traditional approaches often fall short in addressing the complex challenges faced by modern organizations.

2) Contingency Leadership offering a more flexible & adaptable approach to leadership.

3) Contingency Leadership recognizes that there is no single 'best' way to lead. But rather leader must be able to diagnose the needs of their team and organization, and then to respond accordingly.

4) In the 21st century, the ability to adapt and respond to change has become absolutely critical for leaders.

5) Consider - rapid technology advancement, globalization, shifting workforce dynamic that have transformed the "business landscape".

6) In this context, leaders who rigidly adhere to single leadership style are likely to struggle!

7) Contingency Leadership framework for 21st century leaders:

i) Flexible Leadership - Leader must be able to adjust their leadership style based on the specific needs of the situation, rather than relying on a single, rigid approach.

ii) Situational Analysis - 21st century leaders must develop strong situational analysis skills to accurately assess the internal and external factors that influence their organization. This allows them to select the most appropriate leadership style.

iii) Empowering followers - Contingency Leadership emphasizes the importance of the leader-follower relationship. 21st century leader can use this approach to empower and engage their followers, fostering a collaborative environment.



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